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  • 3M™ Roloc™ Disc TSM 361F,  2 in P100 YF-weight,  200 per case,  50 per box,  cost per disc
An aluminum oxide 3M™ Roloc™ Disc, TSM constructed on a YF weight, water-resistant polyester cloth backing. It is resin bonded for heat resistance and can be run wet or dry.

3M™ Roloc™ Disc TSM 361F, 2 in P100 YF-weight, 200 per case, 50 per box, cost per disc

  • Brand: 3M
  • Product Code: 2-100-DRT-361F-CA
  • SKU Code: 7000119020
  • Availability: Stock item

This product has a minimum quantity of 50

Tags: 2, 100, 361F

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